Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pong and Aom's Interviews on the Storm in Koh Tao

Both Pong and Aom answered questions from experiencing the storm at Koh Tao. 

Here's a very short summary of Aom's interview for our international fans. Aom's says that 80% of those stuck on the island were tourist. The first 2-3 days, she was not worried, but later worried that there wouldn't be enough food available for everyone. Aom and her friend volunteered to help take care of people. When asked if this ordeal made her scared of diving, she said, "No, these are things we can not prohibit and when they happen, all we can do is help each other with a smile."

credit: rakdara@youtube

credit: posted at from Pong's interview

Here's a short summary of Pong's interview at (complete interview here)  Pong says that he didn't think something like this would happen when the rain started to fall. When he first saw the rain, he thought to himself that it was a pity that he couldn't go diving, but when the rain kept on coming and the boats couldn't leave, he began to worry. He called his family and told them he was safe and when they were finally able to leave, Pong says that everyone was vomiting because the waves were so rough. Scary!

Translations/Summaries by Punrungpundao