Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Aom, Pong, & Others at Mos's Wedding

In this video clip, Aom and Tang interview Mos and his new bride Game. Mos asked Aom and Tang to come up on stage. They congratulated the bride and groom. Aom says that she wishes for Mos and Game to love each other for a long time just like the theme of the wedding, "Fashion comes and goes, but love is forever."***this blog post has been edited b/c of incorrect information previously written***

credit: rakdara@youtube

Mos and his new bride Game definitely made their wedding their own. It was like a fashion show and the dress code for the night was fashionista. This was definitely a fun and memorable wedding. Congratulations to them both.

Credit: photos belong to their owner, 
whose names are embedded on the photos
Aom & Tang interviewing the bride & groom.
Pong looks handsome.
Aom is lovely as always.
Aom's handsome husband Art.
It's Klauy....hehe.....not Kluay, but Noon  & her husband Todd.
Ice Apissada  (she doesn't look as mean as the character she plays...hehe...)
Khun Boy and his wife.
Aom's bff Jieb & her husband.
Fluke the Star (he looks a lot thinner now)
See more photos here


  1. Congrats to Mos and Game. I love Aom's dress. :)

  2. Wish I could go to that wedding. Haha!

  3. I don't like Noon's dress.
