Monday, December 27, 2010

Behind the Scenes of Song Pradtana

Click on image for full view / Credit: Exact's website
Here's the latest web article from Exact titled "Thoughtful of the Real Groom, Pong Does Not Dare Do a Real Kiss." (For those that don't know, Paula just recently got married) In this scene, Pla misunderstands Tee. She thinks he is a murderer. Tee tries to explain, but she does not listen, so he kisses her. Pla is very angry and pushes him but she is the one who falls. Tee sure does like to tease Pla and it seems that Pong and Paula have lots of fun on set. Expect to see this scene on today's episode of Song Pradtana.

Translaion/Summary by Punrungpundao