Friday, May 31, 2013

Video & Photos from Opening Ceremony of Parb Artun

So good to see them working together again. Love their smiles.
credit: gmembermusic

Aom will play a fierce role.
credit: as tagged
More photos here


  1. *squeeeals* Thank you, team! I just love how tiny p'Aom looks next to our macho handsome man. I didn't really enjoy the chemistry between Pong and Charabelle, but i shouldn't be greedy. Hehe. Makes me miss our Bor and Kaew (PNGRT) all the more! Can't wait~~ they look beautiful!

    1. Yes, they do look beautiful together. I love how they tease each other in the clip. We can tell they are comfortable around each other and this is what makes for their wonderful onscreen chemistry. In all honesty, I don't think I will love the storyline, but I will definitely watch for our beloved Pong and Aom team.

    2. Can you translate roughly what they said in the interview?
