Sunday, October 31, 2010

First Pics from Boy Story Concert

Last night in Thailand, Exact held their first night of  Boy Story Concert. Pong hasn't posted any photos from the event, yet but Aom has posted these two photos at her twitter.
credit: Aom's twitter
Aom & Pim / credit: Aom's twitter


  1. EXACT'S actresses and actors and also all the singers from this company they love each other so much likes a big family^.^
    I cant wait until the DVD/VCD releasing^^

  2. Exact is like one big family. I can't wait for the DVD release also.

  3. Yeah. I the DVD release comes soon. I'm glad they are doing the Boy concert cause it's like a history of Exact lakorns. Just like when they had the 10 year Exact anniversary concert. Aom was in it but Pong wasn't even famous yet. Aom and Pim look good in the pictures but they have lots of make up on.

  4. Yeah, I saw Exact's 10 year anniversary concert. I saw one clip of Pong attending the concert back then but he didn't have any speaking parts on stage b/c he wasn't famous, yet. But now Pong's status at Exact has changed. He's one of their A-List actors now.

    LOL, they do have a lot of makeup on EP, but it's normal I guess, since they'll be on stage with all the stage lights shining on them.
